Investment Approach
At Anderson Hoagland, we work in partnership with our clients and devote the time required to gain a meaningful understanding of them and their families. We seek to mitigate risk through asset allocation and securities selection, and we are tax-sensitive in light of a client’s particular situation.
Our Experience and Expertise
Individual, retirement, and trust accounts.

Publicly traded stocks and bonds. Diversified private equity.

Portfolios tailored to fulfill the organization’s mission.

Anderson Hoagland values interaction with clients, and we meet periodically to conduct progress reviews during which we discuss portfolio strategy, investment performance and specific planning concerns. The hallmark of our relationship with clients is our accessibility and responsiveness.
Equity Strategy = Diversified Portfolio of ETFs + High Conviction Individual Stocks
Our equity portfolios reflect our study of decades of academic research and our extensive efforts to develop our own macroeconomic outlook. Our objective is to maximize risk-adjusted returns through a combination of two investment techniques.

We utilize cost-efficient investment vehicles, made possible only in recent years through capital markets innovations, to capture stock market anomalies that have been revealed through decades of published research.

We apply fundamental analysis to select individual stocks that express our preference for undervalued and small capitalization companies at various stages of an economic cycle.
1+2 = Greater diversification and less volatility while increasing exposure to segments of the stock market that historically have produced above market returns.
Always custom based on YOUR needs.
For clients seeking to minimize exposure to individual stocks, Anderson Hoagland will modify its equity approach and construct broadly diversified portfolios based on the selection method applied in our primary strategy. We also may enter an agreement with a client to pursue an equity mandate specified by the client.
Fixed Income Strategy = Individual Bonds
We believe that bonds serve as a less volatile, diversifying component of overall client portfolios, so we have a bias toward high quality investment grade issues for both taxable and tax-exempt investors. We target portfolio maturities based on our assessment of the U.S. economy, the outlook for inflation and our expectations for future inflation, and we may rotate holdings through different bond sectors in the course of an economic cycle.
We may supplement individual bonds with bond ETFs in order to meet a diversification objective or to fulfill a specific client mandate.
Fundamentally speaking.
Our fixed income work focuses on an issuer’s financial strength, and we often favor complex structures that offer incremental yield or additional investor protection. When trading bonds, we negotiate pricing aggressively and use competitive bids and offers to obtain advantageous trade execution on behalf of our clients.